1. What was the impact on Māori when of the New Zealand Company and other representatives of "The Crown" confiscated or purchased land very cheaply from Māori? What happened to Māori who lost their land? So when the Crown brought the Parihaka's land very cheaply the pairhaka didn't want to give away their land but when the soldiers came they people were just calm not doing anything and the kids play and the girls doing the haka.
2. How do you think the New Zealand wars impacted on iwi and groups of people who were no longer able to live on their Whenua? Some people couldn't live without but they wanted to hurt those people but the just stood down listened to them.
3. What does the word PEACE mean to you? What is "passive resistance? To us, Is stay calm, be humble, and Tranquillity. Passive resistance is that when you don't want any harm to anyone you love and refuse something that you want or something that you don't want to lose
4. What does the phrase mean? It like a word that stands together in a sentence and some kind of emotion to it.
5. What other ways are there to solve major issues between people/countries that do not use violence as a way of controlling others or solving problems? The only way of solving a major problem would be just staying clam where you are and try to avoid any fight or war from anyone how wants to fight.
6. Who are some of the other world leaders who have used passive resistance? What was their cause and how is/was it peaceful? Martin Luther King because he was standing up for his people because some white people were hurt his people so he stood up for them so they won't get hurt anymore. Gandhi stood for his country's right didn't want any other country to put them under them and because he was a lawyer he had right.
6. Who are some of the other world leaders who have used passive resistance? What was their cause and how is/was it peaceful? Martin Luther King because he was standing up for his people because some white people were hurt his people so he stood up for them so they won't get hurt anymore. Gandhi stood for his country's right didn't want any other country to put them under them and because he was a lawyer he had right.
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