
Monday, April 20, 2020

About Princess Diana

Hello Readers today is a really interesting story about Princess Diana. It is a story about her child hood and about what she did to become a leader

Early Life Recap :
She was born on July 1st 1961 as the Honorable Diana Frances Spencer and had two older sisters and one younger brother and her parents had a divorce when she was 8 years old and then at the age of  20 she married James Charles

 Living A Life As A princess
How she become leader was that she  become noted as a fairy tale princess and also known as a fashion leader and a media manipulator also a loving person around the world.-suffering from bulimia and also attempted suicide.

What She Did To Become Leader:
How she become a leader was showing Trait , Had The Ability , Master Skills , Had Good Behaviour, Had A Great Relationship With James Charles and influence process. She always had Positive Attitude hen it came too team building and communication.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Ways I Can Become A Leader

Hello readers as you know my class has been working on how to be good leaders in the future and what we can do to become one in the near by future. I can become a leader by working hard to get the scholarship and study hard. Becoming a leader is learning how to be an expert and learn how to master skills. A way I think I can become a leader is thinking right and being concentrated and focus on the project that we are working on or subjects that we do.we can become leaders if we can communicate with others well and can have a clear understanding of what needs to be done and why. Being a leader is is realising the importance of a good setting for the team.Being leader is encouraging other to participate in and including them .being the best leaders is learning how to handle failure as gracefully as they can handle success.Every good leader knows the art of compromise . A leader is being inspired by a goal that you want to achieve and also being inspired by someone or motivated you to meet your goal. Usually , there is someone whom the others in the group will listen to and will follow. Leadership skills allow children to have control of their lives and the ability to make things happen. Leadership in stills confidence, and helps children solve problems creatively ,work in a team , and  work collaboratively with others.